Empatisk konfrontasjon
Kursholder: Neele Reiss og Erlend Aschehoug
Arrangør: Norsk Forum for Skjematerapi i samarbeid med Norsk Forening for Kognitiv Terapi
Sted: Store auditorium, Gaustad sykehus i Oslo
Dato: 21. – 22. september 2023
Kursavgift: 5 000,- (inkluderer lunsj begge dager)
Påmeldingsfrist: 01.09.23
After this workshop participants can:
- Participants are able to distinguish maladaptive Coping Modes from other modes.
- Participants can learn about the steps of empathic confrontation for maladaptive Coping Modes.
- Understanding of suicidal ideation and its connection to Coping Modes.
- Development of an awareness towards one’s own maladaptive reactions to our patient’s Coping Modes.
More about the module
In this workshop the steps of empathic confrontation in Schema Therapy will be outlined to the participants. Differences in the empathic confrontation of various maladaptive coping modes will be highlighted and discussed with the participants. Difficult situations with patients in maladaptive coping modes in the treatment room and the empathic confrontation of the coping mode in these situations will be demonstrated.
One specific focus of the workshop will be suicidal ideation as one pattern associated with Detached Protector Mode that is often difficult for therapists to confront empathically. Participants will be given the possibility to try the different steps in empathic confrontation in small group role plays.
Maladaptive coping modes such as Detached Protector or Self-Aggrandizer Mode are the cause of major difficulties intreating patients with various personality disorders. Rigid behavior patterns associated with these modes significantly influence other people’s, even therapist’s, reactions, often triggering them to behave in ways that reinforce the patient’s maladaptive schemas.
Being specifically tailored towards changing maladaptive coping modes, empathic confrontation is a therapeutic intervention in Schema Therapy that is part of limited reparenting and at the same time a mode change strategy in its own right. Empathic confrontation can be defined as the therapist’s approach to addressing maladaptive coping modes and associated behaviors, with empathy for how they developed biographically, balanced by confronting these modes and behaviors as needing to change for the patient to have a healthy life. It is a critical and difficult intervention for accomplishing the overall goal of Schema Therapy- to help patients get their adult needs met in a healthy manner – as it points out the negative effects of their currently used unhealthy mode driven behaviors and assists them in learning and using more adaptive behaviors.
Empathic confrontation is based on the principle of limited reparenting: the strong connection between therapist and patient, in which the therapist repeatedly shows the patient that he or she has the patient’s best interest at heart and has good intentions when confronting maladaptive coping mode behaviors.
Godkjent av

Norsk Psykologforening har godkjent utdanningen i skjematerapi som obligatorisk program til spesialiteten i psykoterapi. Norsk Psykologforeningen godkjent dette kurset som 16 timer vedlikeholdsaktivtet. Kurset vil bli søkt godkjent som valgfritt spesialist- og etterutdanningskurs av Spesialitetskomiteen i psykiatri og av Spesialitetskomiteen i allmennmedisin av den Norske Legeforeningen.

Utdanningsprogrammet er godkjent av International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) som tellende for internasjonal sertifisering i skjematerapi. Dette kurset er obligatorisk for å bli sertifisert.
Kort om skjematerapi
- Transdiagnostisk psykoterapimodell
- Evidensbasert og integrativ behandlingsmetode
- Nyere forskning viser at skjematerapi er meget godt egnet for behandling av relasjonsproblemer, personlighetsforstyrrelser og kompliserte psykiatriske tilstander.

Neele Reiss
Neele Reiss, PhD, is a senior clinical psychologist and psychotherapist at the department of psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and in private practice. She is the scientific director of the Institute of Psychotherapy in Mainz (ipsti-mz).

Erlend Aschehoug
Erlend Aschehoug er spesialist i klinisk psykologi siden 2007. Arbeider ved Klinikk for psykologbehandling med individualterapi og gruppeterapi. Virker som veileder i kognitiv atferdsterapi og skjematerapi.
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