Innføring i skjematerapi for barn og unge

Kursholder: Christof Loose

Arrangør: Norsk Forum for skjematerapi i samarbeid med Norsk Forening for Kognitiv terapi.

Sted: Klinikk for psykologbehandling, Fjellgata 14, Kongsvinger

Dato: 04.-05. september 2023

Kursavgift: 4 000,- (online kurs)

Påmeldingsfrist: 15.06.23

Om kurset

The introductory workshop (WS 1) illustrates the formation and perpetuating model of maladaptive schemas against the background of age-specific developmental tasks, risk and protective temperamental factors. Relative to the children’s age, early maladaptive schemas described by Young are outlined with their typical child and adolescent appearance and coping strategies. Other topics include the multimodal diagnostic techniques (use of exploration, survey, imagery, case conceptualization) and explain the significance of the therapeutic relationship, psychoeducation and empathic confrontation.

As an overview, therapeutic strategies are demonstrated: Working with drawings and pictures, finger and hand puppets, working with stories, metaphors, chair work, imagery, and the use of flash cards.

Video examples or life demonstrations and role-play in groups of two or three participants ensure the consolidation and deepening of following exercises:

  • Imagery Parent Interview
  • Creating a Mode Sketch
  • Conducting a Mode Interview
  • Working with (stem) stories
  • Working with finger and hand puppets
  • Working with chair dialogues (3-Chair dialogue: “Mode driving license”)
  • Working with mode cards (Mode walk: Feel, Talk, & Walk)
  • Working with chair dialogues (2-Chair dialogue: Focus Critic/Punisher)
  • Imagery (Fantasy Trip to the Clever & Wise Mode)

Godkjent av

Norsk Psykologforening har godkjent utdanningen i skjematerapi som obligatorisk program til spesialiteten i psykoterapi. Norsk Psykologforeningen har godkjent dette kurset som 16 timer vedlikeholdsaktivtet.  Kurset vil bli søkt godkjent som valgfritt spesialist- og etterutdanningskurs av Spesialitetskomiteen i psykiatri og av Spesialitetskomiteen i allmennmedisin av den Norske Legeforeningen.

Kort om skjematerapi

  • Transdiagnostisk psykoterapimodell
  • Evidensbasert og integrativ behandlingsmetode
  • Nyere forskning viser at skjematerapi er meget godt egnet for behandling av relasjonsproblemer, personlighetsforstyrrelser og kompliserte psykiatriske tilstander.

Om foreleseren

Christof Loose, PhD., Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist for Children and Adolescents (CBT), Schematherapist for Children & Adolescents, Adults, with Advanced Certification, Trainer and Supervisor, according to International Society for Schema Therapy (ISST e.V.), works in his own Private Practice in Dusseldorf, is affiliated with the Heinrich-Heine-University, Department of Clinical Psychology, Germany 2012-2017, research activity e.g. in ST-CA (Development of Schema-Questionnaire for Children (DISC), Chair of the subcommittee Working Group in ST-CA 2013-2017, since 2013 advanced-level certified, trainer and supervisor (ISST e.V.), editor and author of ST-CA books and Video-Learning (DVD), conducts workshops and seminars in Schema Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Parents, wordwide.


Utdanningsprogrammet er godkjent av International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST) som tellende for internasjonal sertifisering i skjematerapi. Dette kurset er obligatorisk for å bli sertifisert.

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